def echoWhatYouGaveMe(x: Any): String = x match {
// constant patterns
case 0 => "zero"
case true => "true"
case "hello" => "you said 'hello'" case Nil => "an empty List"
// sequence patterns
case List(0, _, _) => "a three-element list with 0 as the first element"
case List(1, _*) => "a list beginning with 1, having any number of elements"
case Vector(1, _*) => "a vector starting with 1, having any number of elements"
// tuples
case (a, b) => s"got $a and $b"
case (a, b, c) => s"got $a, $b, and $c"
// constructor patterns
case Person(first, "Alexander") => s"found an Alexander, first name = $first"
case Dog("Suka") => "found a dog named Suka"
// typed patterns
case s: String => s"you gave me this string: $s"
case i: Int => s"thanks for the int: $i"
case f: Float => s"thanks for the float: $f"
case a: Array[Int] => s"an array of int: ${a.mkString(",")}"
case as: Array[String] => s"an array of strings: ${a.mkString(",")}"
case d: Dog => s"dog: ${}"
case list: List[_] => s"thanks for the List: $list"
case m: Map[_, _] => m.toString
// the default wildcard pattern
case _ => "Unknown"
// case class pattern match
trait Animal
case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
case class Cat(name: String) extends Animal
case object Woodpecker extends Animal
object CaseClassTest extends App {
def determineType(x: Animal): String = x match {
case Dog(moniker) => "Got a Dog, name = " + moniker
case _:Cat => "Got a Cat (ignoring the name)"
case Woodpecker => "That was a Woodpecker" // matches a object
case _ => "That was something else"
println(determineType(new Dog("Rocky")))
println(determineType(new Cat("Rusty the Cat")))
case List(1, _*) => "a list beginning with 1, having any number of elements"
case list: List[_] => s"thanks for the List: $list"
case list: List(1, _*) => s"thanks for the List: $list"
Test2.scala:22: error: '=>' expected but '(' found.
case list: List(1, _*) => s"thanks for the List: $list"
one error found
case list @ List(1, _*) => s"thanks for the List: $list"
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String)
object Test2 extends App {
def matchType(x: Any): String = x match {
//case x: List(1, _*) => s"$x" // doesn't compile
case x @ List(1, _*) => s"$x" // works; prints the list
//case Some(_) => "got a Some" // works, but can't access the Some
//case Some(x) => s"$x" // works, returns "foo"
case x @ Some(_) => s"$x" // works, returns "Some(foo)"
case p @ Person(first, "Doe") => s"$p"
// works, returns "Person(John,Doe)"
println(matchType(List(1,2,3))) // prints "List(1, 2, 3)"
println(matchType(Some("foo"))) // prints "Some(foo)"
println(matchType(Person("John", "Doe"))) // prints "Person(John,Doe)"